About Me
- John and Paige Ross
- This is our story of our journey through adoption. We are so excited to be able to share this with everyone!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
1 Year Ago Tonight.....
It was one year ago tonight that we received our call telling us we had a 5 month old boy being referred to us, his name was San Lee. The e-mail packet followed soon after which include a dozen pictures of a round faced, plump little boy with a serious expression on his face. It was love at first sight for the both of us. The excitement was almost too much knowing it could be up to 5 more months until we could actually hold him in our arms; thankfully it was on 3 months.
A year has gone in a blink of an eye; we're excited to experience our first Christmas together as a family.
We promise to post more before Christmas along with some pictures.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Since June?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Can't believe its time to go back to work :(
This is my final week home. It hard to believe that Friday it will be 11 weeks since we brought our precious boy home. It has been such a joy to be home with him as long as I was able to. I feel like he turned a corner a few weeks ago and now really looks at John and me as 'mommy' and 'daddy'. There is just this different look in his eyes, its hard to explain. Those of you with adopted children probably know what I'm talking about. When he sees either one of use he just smiles and beams happiness!!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
We've met lots of People this month....
I know. I know. It's been a while since we have updated. Life gets pretty busy with an active toddler and you are traveling for work and just trying to keep up with your life. Lots has happened since our last post, we went to Connecticut so Carter could meet the rest of his family, Paige spent her first week alone with Carter when I went to New York and then her second week alone the following week when I went to Seattle and Carter is now walking.
Friday, April 30, 2010
We've Made it to Connecticut!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
1st Post Placement Visit Done, 2 to Go
Last week we had our 1st post placement visit with our social worker. She met with us for close to an hour. She wanted to know how we were all adjusting and what we feel is working in our routine and what we feel is not. With one visit behind us we now have two more to go over the next 5 month. Here in Virginia the adoption is not final until 6 months after we return home and have 3 visits from our social worker and they say we are fit parents and the child is happy. Once all that is approved we can go to court and "re-adopt" here in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Once we are able to complete the process we can move on with our lives as a family. We have a lot going on, I have mentioned before in a previous post that my job as I know it will not exist in the very near future, if I want to stay with the company, on the merchant side of the business we will have to relocate to Seattle. Until the re-adoption is final we can not completely move, that is if a job offer comes my way in the new structure.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Easter Week

We continue to experience new events as family each and everyday. In the last week we have celebrated Easter, had a marathon teething experience, had our 1st night of sleep without waking up, our first restaurant and standing on our own.
Friday, April 2, 2010
1st Week Home
Sorry we haven't updated much, or at all, this week. Our first week home has gone by with a blur. Paige came down with a stomach bug on Sunday night and was down all day Monday, I came down with it Monday night and was out of commission all day Tuesday and then my mother came down with it and was in bed all day Wednesday and was back up and around for her birthday yesterday (not an April Fool's Day joke). Somehow my dad has escaped it, lucky him. Thankfully, you only have symptoms for 24 hours but you still don't feel well for another 24 hours after.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
1st Full Day at Home
Right now it's just after midnight and Carter is wide awake and we're watching SNL.
Friday, March 26, 2010
We made it home!!
Our flight home was just under 13 hours, Carter was amazing, he slept for just about half the flight and laughed and played the rest of the time. Paige's mom and dad were at Dulles to meet us when we got thru customs and my parents arrived about 15 minutes after we got home.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Gotcha Day!
Today is what is termed "Gotcha Day" in the world of adoption. Our meeting time was set for 11:00 a.m. at SWS. Of course we were wide awake at 4:00 this morning in anticipation. We finally went down to breakfast at about 8:30, we were pretty quiet, I think we were both in shock over what was finally about to happen. After breakfast we finished getting ready, of course we snapped a few times at each other, what husband and wife don't when they are both stressed and anxious, it's human nature.
We timed the shuttle to the Metro pretty good, we only waited a few minutes. At the Metro station we realized that all the single fare cards we had purchased this week had a 500 Won deposit, luckily we still had them all and we netted back 3000 Won (approx. $3). We waited very little time for the train and we arrived at SWS exactly on time, 11:00. The couple we had met on Tuesday from Charlotte were in the room next to us, their "gotcha day" too. Their son Kyle is just about a year old, we may see them at the airport in the morning since their flight is shortly before ours.
Carter was already there with his foster-foster mother and her husband and his original foster father was there too. It was very nice to meet him and it was very clear how much Carter meant to him and his family. Carter needed to see the doctor for his final examination, on Tuesday we were shown a rash on his belly, as it turns out it is eczema. I have, my mom has it, my dad has it, he's a Ross already. We were given some hydrocortizone and an all clear to fly tomorrow.
His foster father gave a bunch of pictures they had take over the past 7 months, some clothes, bottles, formula, diapers and the list goes on. We not only walked out with a baby, we left with 4 large bags of equipment! We were also given Carter's Korean passport and exit permit (EP) and all his immigration paperwork in a sealed envelope with instructions not to open it. It is all in a certain order and they do not want anything out of place when we check in at the airport.
We requested a tour of the infant center, where the babies go after parental rights are surrendered. There 50 to 60 babies here at any given point and nurses and volunteers provide for these children. Part of the fee all families pay is used to help subsidise this program. It was nice to see where carter was cared for between being born and going to his foster family.
At the end all we had to do was sign our names on one single piece of paper, they never asked for ID once, we just signed. I guess they trusted us since we spent almost 2 years in the program. We had so much equipment to take back to the hotel there was no way we were taking the train so they called us a cab. Carter fussed a little bit on the way back since it was way past his nap time, we arrived back at the hotel at 12:30 and he has been napping ever since. A good start to the rest of our lives.
This is the last post from the land of our sons birth, we leave here in the morning, Friday March 26th at 10:25 and this is strange, we arrive back at Washington/Dulles on Friday morning, March 26th at 10:25. A crazy thing that international dateline. We'll post again from home and include more pictures from "gotcha day" and the trip. - John
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Meeting

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Live from Korea
First off please forgive the typo's as I am working on just a few hours of sleep. Its now 7:00 pm local or 6:00 am in DC. So here it goes, I wrote this when we first got to our hotel room.
So let's start from the beginning. Our good friend Michelle picked us up this morning at 9:30. When loading the car Maidosn decided she watned to come along for the trip and jumped in the car with the bags.
When we arived at the ticket counter the mangager came over and said 'oh, we have been expecing you'. John and I were a little caught off guard. Well turns out they were giving a choice of seats, either 1 row by ourselves or an exit row. We choose the exit row as it has more leg room. Then we were handed a complimentary pass to the lounge so we could relax beore our flight. So we had something to eat, and glass of orange juice and just enjoyed our last moments before getting on a plane for 13 and a half hours.
The flight was very nice , our exit row was wonderful, there were not seats in front of us at all and we were right next to the galley. We each had our own TV and watched a couple of movies.
Lunch was either Beef with Wine Sauce or Bibimbab. John got the beef with wine sauce and believe it or not i choose the bibimbap. It came with rice so I knew I couldn't go wrong. it was DELISH!!!! I did not have the seaweed soup, but I did try it.
A couple of hours later we were served 'hot rolls', I tried to find our exactly what the were but i was only told they were 'hot rolls'. Those were very good too.
Dinner was served about an hour after that and both John and I choose to get the chicken as the other dish was shrimp and rice. And anyone that know us knows that John is allerigic and I don't care for shrimp.
We did a rest a little bit on the plane towards the end of the flight. I think we are both running on pure adrenaline at this point. I'm not sure how we are still awake as neither one of us got more then a couple hours of sleep on Friday.
We are currently at the Hyatt right next to the airport and tomorrow morning we will switch to a Sheraton for the rest of the week.
The plan of action righ tnow is this, tomorrow morning we will call SWS (agency in Korea) to find out when we our appointment to meet Carter is. We believe it will be on Tuesday sometime. We will meet with him and his foster family for about an hour then the rest of the day and Wednesday is for us. Thursday we will get him and Friday we fly home.
That's it for now...... more when we can along with pictures!
Paige and John
Friday, March 19, 2010
On Monday (3/15) we received his SEO # from the NVC, on Tuesday (3/16) his visa was cabled to the US Embassy in Seoul. We have held our breath all week waiting to get this call so we can move one step closer to closing this chapter of our lives and begin the next.
We, I should say Paige, experience some unbelievable luck this week. There was a meeting in her office on Wednesday with the Regional Director of a partner airline they use to provide air freight services. After the meeting they were all talking and Paige showed them Carter's pictures and the Director told his Assistant, "Give her your card. When she receives her call, take care of her." Whatever they can do for us will be greatly appreciated, we're not expecting much but every little bit helps. Even if its just confirmed seats since this is a last minute flight we will be so grateful.
So, Paige is working with the airline as I type to get our flights, once she has that I will work with my Starwood Points to get us a hotel. With any luck we'll be flying tomorrow afternoon.
We will be updating our Facebook pages from Korea as well as this blog so you will be able keep tabs on us and for many of you get your first look at Carter since we will finally be able to post pictures. Stay tuned........
Friday, March 12, 2010
Travel Call!! Well Yes & No....
Monday, March 8, 2010
Update from Korea
Friday, February 26, 2010
One More Step Closer to Carter

Hello Everyone. It has been a busy, busy month; Why is it that so much always happens during the shortest month of the year? As I mentioned in my previous post; at the end of January I had a second hip surgery, so far everything has progressed very well. As the calendar changed to February we experienced back-to-back snow storms resulting in 50 inches of snow!! I felt really bad for Paige that I was not able to help her shovel all of that snow but we are very fortunate to have really great neighbors who helped clear it all away.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
So here we are almost 2 months into the wait for our precious baby boy to come home and it is absolute torture. The holiday’s were great to keep our minds off of the waiting. Christmas was wonderful, it was just John and I in the morning, our last Christmas without our son, then our friend Jenny and her 2 children, Ryan and Ally came over later for dinner. It was a nice relaxing day. John then was very busy with the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale and I cleaned house getting ready for his parents and our nephews. We had a great visit with them and got to enjoy some sight seeing with them. John has already mentioned this in a previous post.
We did get busy with starting a registry, something I have been dying to do for years now. It was so much fun putting the list of items together for our new little guy. From bedding to blankets, I think we got it covered. We ordered furniture and hope that it comes in before he arrives.;if not we have a pack and play he can sleep in until it does arrive. But he might end up sleeping with us for a little while. It will all really depend on his sleeping situation now. We have read many times that in the Korean culture the babies often sleep in bed with the parents. If this is the case it will be just fine, I wont want to let him far out of my sight anyway. We cleaned out one of the spare rooms the weekend before John’s surgery (more on that later) and the bedding swatches seem to match great so we don’t even have to paint if we don’t want to. Though we are thinking about painting one wall an accent color.
I have 2 showers planned by friends and family, one in CT and one here in VA. I’m very excited to get together with everyone to celebrate the newest addition to the Wild/Ross family.
We have finally decided on a name too, Carter Baine. Carter because we like it and Baine because it was my Papa’s name and my mother’s name is Bainie. It means a lot for us to be able to keep it going in the family.
So John had another surgery last week, they had to take the screws out and replace them with a different device. All went well and now he is home resting. We decided its best to have the surgery before Carter comes home as it would be too difficult to care for 2 guys at one time. Carter needs and will be the center of attention from the moment we get him.
We did find out this week that the Social Services in the State of VA finally has our paperwork. Since we are pre-approved already to have a child placed in our home hopefully all they will have to do is look at our application and put a stamp of approval on it and send it over to CIS. Once CIS has VA’s approval it can take as little as 5-6 business days for them to give us the approval as well. Once we receive the CIS approval they will wire the information to the National Visa center where our sons name will get logged in and back out of the system. When that happens the approval gets sent over to the Embassy in Seoul and our son will go have his Visa interview. I’m not quite sure what they are going to ask him, but hopefully he will babble that his is ready to come to his forever home with us. Once all is stamped approved and Carter is interviewed we will then get the travel call. From what I have read lately the travel call comes approximately 2 weeks after we receive the CIS approval. So please pray that the State of VA and CIS approve our paperwork quickly and it doesn’t sit on someone’s desk for too long collecting dust.
And so we continue to wait, but it will all be worth it in the end. I guess you could consider this my ‘labor’ and I hear once you have your baby in your arms you forget about how much pain you were in while waiting for them to arrive.
I can’t wait to hold him in my arms! - Paige
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lot's Going On

- Three weeks ago we registered at "Babies R Us" Paige really enjoyed this and has really enjoyed monitoring the registry on-line to see what has been purchased. Can you image her as a kid at Christmas peeking under the tree or in the back of closets?
- We did order the furniture 2 weeks ago; delivery in 6-8 weeks, hopefully it arrives before he does!! (picture above, we picked a dark walnut finish not the light finish in the picture)
- This past weekend I did breakdown one of the guestrooms to turn into Carter's room.
- We sent off a package of gifts for Carter & his Foster Family. We wrote them a short note thanking them for taking our son into their loving home until we are able to be together, Dan who works with Paige at Panalpina is from Korea was gracious enough to translated the note for us. We also sent Yankee Candles & a couple Washington Redskin T-Shirts and a small photo album with pictures of us, our home and family members.
- Paige ordered swatches from the company that make the bedding we registered for; the good news is that the current color of the room (lt. blue) matches!! Limited painting!! We think we are going to change only one wall to an accent color.
So I guess we got a little more accomplished than I thought. It's just being up against a deadline that makes me think there is more to do than there really; throw a surgery and few trips/events in between and my pulse picks up a little bit more.
Counting down the days until Carter comes home........ John
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
The "Legals"
Happy New Year everyone! We had a nice quiet holiday here at home with a visit from my parents and our two nephews. Jimmy is now 13 and Kyle 10; I really can't believe how big they have gotten since we last saw them in April when my grandmother passed away. We took them to Arlington Nation Cemetery, The Natural History Museum and the National Tree on the Ellipse. Today was back to the real world; the holidays are over, back to a 5 day work week.