Monday, February 16, 2009

In March.....

so we found out at the end of last week that our program packet will be going over to Korea in March.  This means that 5-7 months after that we'll get our referral.  It all seems so real again.  John thinks we'll get our referral early,  I am thinking the longest time so if it comes early that it will be that much better.  

So I have this application on my phone where i get a new Korean word to learn everyday.  And the day after we found out when the packet would be going over my word of the day was daughter, maybe its a sign.......

hopefully by the end of the summer we'll know what we are having!!!!  

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Program Packet and I-600

Well we finally finished our program packet.  paperwork wise it was easy, just a few forms to read and sign.  A medical checklist of possible conditions we will or will not accept for our future child.  the one thing that was holding us back was the classes we have to take.  as mentioned before we need 30 education credits before our adoption can be complete.  one of the classes we had to take was called With Eyes Wide Open.  It touches on all aspect of international adoption and what it might be like for the parents and the child from the time we come home all they way up to teenage years.  it goes over questions we'll hear out in public b/c we wont look alike, to questions or child will probably ask us someday, like why Korea, why me?  well it was 19 PowerPoint Presentations with about 25 different written assignment to go along with it.  but we got it done, it was a little bit time consuming but i know it will be well worth it in the end.  so i finally sent it off today to our program coordinator in NC.  She had been pushing us for the last couple of weeks to complete it because the agency in CT which sends the packets to Korea once a month was pushing her.  Anyway, i hope all of this means that our number is up and our packet will be going over to Korea soon!!!!!!  Hopefully I'll know by the end of the week when they expect our packet to go over. 

The program packet is really the last step until we get our referral for our baby! 

We also received our I-600 approval from the CIS, i have passed this information on to our agency and i believe it will be included in our program packet.  

so that's it for now.  like i said above hopefully I'll have more information by the end of the week.