Sorry we haven't updated much, or at all, this week. Our first week home has gone by with a blur. Paige came down with a stomach bug on Sunday night and was down all day Monday, I came down with it Monday night and was out of commission all day Tuesday and then my mother came down with it and was in bed all day Wednesday and was back up and around for her birthday yesterday (not an April Fool's Day joke). Somehow my dad has escaped it, lucky him. Thankfully, you only have symptoms for 24 hours but you still don't feel well for another 24 hours after.
Carter had his first doctor's appointment on Tuesday and received his 9 month check-up complete with all his vaccinations and boosters. It was all good news, he is on target for a 9 month old and is in the 95th percentile for weight and 91st in height. He's good for another 3 months until his 12 month exam.
Spring has definitely sprung in Northern Virginia this week, it's been 80 degrees the last few days and we have all the windows open and we are enjoying some time outside. Carter got to meet a bunch of the neighbors this week since we had taken a couple walks and some have come over to visit and meet him.
The dogs continue to bond with Carter too, Madison really gets concerned if he's crying for too long and will lay at the foot of whatever chair we are sitting in with him and Preston like to lay as close as possible to protect him ( see photo).
This morning he had his 1st Cheerios! At first he wasn't quite sure what they were all about or what to do. Once he finally picked one up and put it in his mouth it was all over! He loves them! He also had his first picture taken with the Easter Bunny tonight at the Mall. He was so serious for his picture and he was kept turning his head up to look at the bunny, kind of like, "WTF"...
As we get more and more into our routine (figure it out) we'll try to do our best to update more frequently. I know what it's like when you following one of these and you're waiting and waiting for updates, on the flip side I now have a greater understanding for all those adoption journey stories I have been following and why the updates slowed after they returned home with their babies.
Happy Easter everyone! - John